Methodologies can be considered as the set of testing mechanisms that are used in the software development life cycle (SDLC) which started from Unit Testing to System Testing.
Software Testing Methodology is defined as strategies and testing types used to certify that the Application Under Test (AUT) meets client expectations.
Software Testing is an essential part of the Software Development Process. Selecting an appropriate testing methodology is considered to be the core of the testing process.
Functional Testing Methodologies:
It refers to that kind of testing that checks whether each and every component of your product is working fine or not. Functions (or features) are tested by feeding them input and examining the output. The main agenda of Functional testing ensures that the requirements are properly satisfied by the application.
It mainly consists of 4 different types of testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, and Acceptance Testing.
{Functional Testing}
Unit Testing : It is a level of testing where individual units/components of a software are tested. It is done by developers — once Unit Testing status is passed they will share the build to QA (Quality Assurance) team for further testing. An excellent example of Unit Testing like A function, method, Loop or statement in program is working fine.
Integration Testing : . A typical software project consists of multiple software modules, which are coded by different programmers. Integration Testing is also commonly known as Scenario Testing, Thread Testing, String Testing.
(Functional Testing Methodologies)
It is defined as a type of testing where software modules are integrated logically and tested as a group. Integration testing is executed by testers. It is done before system testing and after unit testing. For Example
System Testing : When we tested System as a whole. . The agenda of a system test is to evaluate the end-to-end system specifications.
“System testing means testing the whole product..! If check the homepage of Amazon scroll or working well i.e unit testing If check the homepage of Amazon showing the Filtration based on your interest i.e integration testing. If check all the features in Amazon working well i.e system testing.”
Acceptance Testing : Acceptance testing is a type of testing which is performed by the potential end-user or customers to check if the software conforms to the business requirements and can be accepted for use or not.
Non — Functional Testing Methodologies:
It is defined as a type of Software testing to check non-functional aspects of any software or application which includes (performance, usability, reliability, etc).
The best example of the non-functional test would be to check how many people can simultaneously log in to the software.
“Non-functional testing is equally important as functional testing and affects client satisfaction.”
There are ’n’ number types of non-functional testing but it is mainly Categorized into Following:
{Non Functional Testing}
Performance Testing : It is a type of Non-Functional testing that checks the speed, response time, reliability, resource usage, scalability of a software program under their expected workload.
The main focus of Performance Testing is checking software programs in terms of Speed, Scalability, and Stability.
{Performance Testing}
Security Testing : It is a testing technique that determines if an information system protects data and maintains functionality as intended.
“The goal of Security Testing is to identify all possible loopholes and weaknesses of the software system or an application that might result in a loss of confidential information, revenue and many more. “
Test Scenarios for Security testing like A password should be in an encrypted format, For financial sites, the Browser back button should not work at the time of paying any payment.
Usability Testing : Usability testing is also called User Experience(UX) Testing. Usability Testing measures how easy to use and user-friendly a software system is.
This type of testing is recommended during the initial design phase of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), which gives more visibility to the expectations of the users.
Compatibility Testing : Compatibility Testing is a type of Software testing to check whether your software or an application is capable of running on different hardware platforms, operating systems, network environments or Mobile and tablet devices or not. This is a type of testing is done in order to check whether the application is compatible with the client’s environment or not.
Non-functional testing Parameters :
It includes Security, Reliability, Availability, Integrity, Portability, Usability, Compatibility and many more.